Source: Strategic Newswatch n° 84 - Analysis: Review , December 3rd, 2007
Contents :
Analysis :
Review: Can law testing improve law making?
Pilot law, law simulation and sunset law.
Testing the impact of a law on a sample population is a way out of the “all-or-nothing” conundrum.
testing is a long-established practice in Germany
Pilot clauses and laws - not always efficient tools.
European Union:
Crimes and misdemeanours in the EU are slightly up, but there are strong differences between types of crime.
Despite a return to growth on the EU-27 labour market in 2006, average youth unemployment remains high.
Reciprocity vs. fair competition - which benefits the EU more? ;
A new strategy for Italian railways - invest in Italian ports.
Will the Commission reorganize? Social relations in turmoil, interview of Wolfgang Schroeder in Regards sur l’économie allemande, CIRAC’s economic bulletin Number 83.