Traité instituant la Communauté européenne (« TCE ») versus Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne (au 16 Octobre 2007)
Document Word : 100 pages, 2,5 MegaBytes / MegaOctets
Download EP_TCE_versus_TFU_Final.doc
Traité de l’Union européenne (« TUE ») en vigueur versus Traité de l’Union européenne tel que modifié par le traité modificatif signé à Lisbonne en octobre 2007
Document Word : 720 KiloOctets
Sources officieuses internes circulant au sein du Parlement européen
Why not to publish these texts on (EU bookshop) and on line (EUR-Lex) of course with reservations ?
See also the post (20-11-2007) on this blog and the analyses de Statewatch
Other interesting sources / Autres sources pertinentes
Statewatch Observatory on the EU Constitution and the Reform Treaty
- Analysis no 1:3: JHA provisions
- Analysis no. 2.1: Revised text of the Treaty establishing the European Union (TEU) (except for the foreign policy provisions
- Analysis no. 2.2: Foreign policy provisions of the revised text of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU)
- Analysis no. 3.1: Revised text of Part One of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC)
- Analysis no. 3.2: Revised text of Part Two of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC)
- Analysis no. 3.3: Revised text of Part Three, Titles I to VI of the TEC: Internal Market and competition
- Analysis no. 3.4: Revised text of Part Three, Titles VII to XVII of the TEC: Other internal EC policies
- Analysis no. 3.5: Revised text of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) External relations provisions
- Analysis no. 3.6: Revised text of Part Five of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC): EU institutions
- Analysis no. 3.7: Revised text of Part Seven of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC): Final provisions
- Analysis no. 4: British and Irish opt-outs from EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) law
Reform/Lisbon Treaty: Finalization, Ratification and Entry into Force
Reform Treaty : Salient Changes
Reform Treaty - Institutional Changes Part 1 (European Council, Commission, Parliament and High Representative)
Reform Treaty - Institutional Changes, part 2 (National parliaments and participatory democracy)
"The Charter of Fundamental Rights has been published too. You can find that here. The publication of the text is accompanied by the publication of the "Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights" which is a very interesting document and an aid to interpretation."
Posted by: Bartolus | December 18, 2007 at 04:23 PM
Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, signed at Lisbon, 13 December 2007
be carefull: that is not a consolitated version
Posted by: EURLex | December 18, 2007 at 04:18 PM
The final text of the reform treaty, which will be signed in Lisbon on 13 December 2007, is now available on the Council website / Le texte définitif du traité modificatif, qui sera signé à Lisbonne le 13 décembre 2007, est maintenant disponible sur le site du Conseil:
Posted by: Consilium | December 05, 2007 at 08:34 AM
I wrote about your publishing feat on my blog. Congratulations!
Posted by: Ralf Grahn | December 04, 2007 at 08:21 AM