Le système
politique de l’Union européenne est certes très différent de celui
habituellement rencontré au niveau national tel que celui qui prévaut au
Royaume Uni.
Il serait bon
toutefois de suivre l’exemple du Group on Information for the Public (“GIP”)
crée par le parlement britannique dont on peut lire son « Parliamentary
for the Future report » publié voilà deux mois. Ce groupe entend se poser
des questions critiques sur la contribution des « NTIC » :
influences sur le processus législatif, relations entre citoyen, représentant
élu et institutions politiques.
Un tel groupe
serait tout à fait envisageable au sein du parlement européen. Il pourrait être
composé de députés européens, de fonctionnaires, de chercheurs du monde
académique, d’ONG focalisées sur ce thème…
Hansard Society: Parliamentary for the Future Report, August 2007
Parliament for Future, blog
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Parliament for the
Future Report
Tuesday, September 25,
We are pleased to announce the publication of
our first Parliament for the Future (P4tF) report.
Download a copy of the
report: Parliament for the Future
(PDF, 1MB).
P4tF addresses the use
of the internet by Parliament to provide information to the public, to promote
legislative scrutiny and to enhance representation, and seeks to map:
1. How technology has
been used in these areas to date;
2. Which technologies
or processes may emerge in these areas over the next five years;
3. How Parliament can
plan strategically towards future ICT investment and
To address these
questions the Hansard Society formed an incubator group of academics,
technologists and practitioners. This report showcases the incubator group’s
ideas, and the Hansard Society would like to thank them for their input.
As well as showcasing
ideas from our incubator group, the report outlines some recommendations about
how Parliament can develop and enhance its use of online forms of engagement.
The project will now
move into a second phase, details will follow shortly.
For more information,
contact Laura
Parliament for the Future, Forecasting the form of a digitally-enabled Parliament
This document is
the first Parliament for the Future (P4tF) Report. The Hansard Society, a
British independent, non-partisan educational charity focused on promoting
effective parliamentary democracy, has invited stakeholders, such as academics,
designers, developers, researchers and technologists, to form a “Parliament for
the Future Incubator Group”. This report showcases the Incubator Group’s ideas
about how Parliament can through new technologies inform the public, scrutinize
legislation or enhance representation. The report addresses the following
topics: how technology has been used so far, which technologies might emerge in
the forthcoming years and how Parliament can plan strategically towards future
ICT investment and provision.
The Council of Europe ad hoc Committee on e-democracy (CAHDE) held its 2nd plenary meeting on 8-9 October – Links to Agenda – Experts’ presentations