en anglais: Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies
Auteurs :
Rudolph .
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009, 455 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 9781420090505
Source: http://www.semantic-web-book.org/page/Foundations_of_Semantic_Web_Technologies
Un très bon livre à lire en anglais. Il nécessite toutefois quelques bonnes
connaissances techniques.
“Semantic Web is a maturing
field of technology that continues to be the emphasis of much focused research.
This foundational text introduces the standardized knowledge representation
languages for modeling ontologies
operating at the core of the semantic web. To support the presentation of each
language, the authors explain syntax and underlying intuitions through
examples, with separate treatment of the underlying formal semantics. They
cover RDF Schema, Web
Ontology Language (OWL), rules, and query languages, such as SPARQL. The book also presents
recent developments concerning the OWL 2 revision and the forthcoming Rule
Interchange Format (RIF).”
A detailed
overview of the book's content is given below. In addition, this website
provides various slide sets for teaching materials in
this book.
table of contents
Below is a selection of slide sets that have been used in teaching material
of the book. Unless
otherwise specified in the materials, all slides can freely be distributed,
modified, and re-used under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license. Thanks for including a pointer to this website when building slides based
on the below materials.
Supplementary material in German can be found on the website of our German book.
- Ontology Modeling Languages course as given at the European Summer School on
Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) 2009. Covers basics of RDF, RDFS,
OWL, SPARQL, and rules.
2 Rules tutorial at ESWC 2009
- Semantic
Web Modelling Languages
tutorial at IJCAI 2009
- Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning for the Semantic Web – OWL 2 and Rules tutorial at KI 2009
- Semantic Web Ontology Languages
tutorial at Informatik 2009
- OWL 2 Rules tutorial at GeoS2009